Deana Reno, Career Coach for Blue Mountain School, helps our students explore career choices for their futures. She also helps them make plans for colleges and classes they need to be most successful for their chosen careers.
Blue Mountain Career Coach Deana Reno met with the 8th graders to learn about all the different careers that are available. The students did a great job of filling out the A-Z challenge, which is where you name a career with each of the alphabet. They also completed The Price Is Right by matching local careers with their annual salaries. We then completed My Career Family Tree. This is a fun activity that the students learned that they may or may not follow in their families career choices. Thank you Mrs. Nance for allowing me in your classroom.
On Friday before fall break, Career Coach Deana Reno introduced Imagine The Possibilities (ITP) Career Expo to the 10th graders. ITP exposes students to 18 potential career pathways. The students pick their career interest, watch the videos and listen to podcasts to gain points. You have to gain points to be able to be in the drawing for Apple product prizes. Lets Go 10th graders.

Mrs. Reno met with Coach Cook’s 7th grade US History Beginnings to 1877 class today. They discussed all the different careers by completing the A-Z Challenge. Each student lists the careers that start with every letter of the alphabet. They also completed The Price is Right. This is where you match the careers with their annual salaries. The last thing we talked about was A Career Family Tree. The students talked about what they liked or disliked about their grandparents and parents’ career choices.
Blue Mountain Juniors took the ASVAB (which stands for Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test on Wednesday. This test was originally designed to predict future academic and occupational success in military occupations. Good Luck to the ones that are interested in a military career.